
Monday, October 28, 2019

Stampin Up! Mini Curvy Keepsake Unicorn Punch Art Box

Hi everyone,

Here is my latest tutorial showing you how to make a Mini Curvy Keepsake Unicorn Punch Art Box. Without fluffing on I will show you step by step with a video tutorial which you can find  on the following link

** Please click on the YouTube thumbnail twice to take you directly to my YouTube channel**

Thanks for coming past and I hope to see you again soon! 

Maria xx


  1. You have great cards . Love how you share the videos on how to make them.I am unable to subscribe to your blog or email if you have one.Can you add me to your list? Thank you. Lynn

    1. Thank you so much Lynn! I am so pleased you like my cards and video! With regards to "subscribing" to my blog, use the follow section on the right hand side of the page. I will be setting up in the very near future a newsletter. In the meantime follow my blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up with my latest creations. Thanks so much for getting in touch it is much appreciated.
